Top 5 maritime communication trends for 2022

Top 5 maritime communication technology trends for 2022 As experts in our sector, it is our job to assess and monitor emerging technologies in maritime communications, in order to future proof our clients’ IT systems and ensure they receive the very best levels of...

The rise of LEO and MEO satellites

The rise of LEO and MEO satellite constellations GEO, MEO and LEO There is a lot of excitement in the communications industry regarding the future of satellite connectivity. Following Elon Musk’s latest announcement about his Starlink venture, LEO (low Earth orbit)...

Want the best value internet at sea?

Want the best value internet at sea? Pick a provider that’s flexible Internet at sea With so many off vessel connectivity choices now available to the yachting industry, it’s important to understand your options, their associated costs, and how to get the...

High-speed connectivity in COVID times

High-speed connectivity in COVID times Increased demand Cast your mind back, if you can, to a time before COVID had brought the travel industry to its knees. Even back in that long-forgotten world, the demand for high-speed and reliable connectivity from the...